Keep Collier Beautiful (KCB) invites Collier County residents, students, and organizations to contribute reports for the 2025 Collier County Community Litter Index. This report helps the organization monitor levels of litter and debris across the county, ensuring cleanup resources are directed to areas that need it the most. This is critical in preparation for the annual cleanup events hosted by KCB. 

To ensure that the report will accurately represent the community, KCB is seeking volunteers to submit reports from Immokalee, Ave Maria, Golden Gate Estates, Golden Gate City, North Naples, East Naples, Everglades City/Copeland, Marco Island, and the City of Naples. Volunteers can simply walk, bike, or drive to up to 10 different sites in their neighborhood, assess the area’s appearance and amount of litter with a rating on a scale between one and four: (1) Minimal or No Litter, (2) Slightly Littered, (3) Littered, (4) Extremely Littered. Volunteers are required to provide photos documenting the areas observed.  

This project is eligible for (2) non-profit community service hours for area students who submit a full and complete report. Volunteers must submit their Community Litter Index Reports by February 12, 2025. All reports can be submitted directly from a cell phone through this link:  

Results from the reports will be compiled and shared with local community leaders as well as Keep America Beautiful to benchmark litter control efforts. The public will be able to review results on